Frankly speaking, one of the major constraints to progressive and effective leadership in Nigeria today is the presence of self-serving and opportunistic leaders.
Leadership in all intents and purposes is concerned with fostering change while the centrality of political governance is service oriented. According to Brad Szollose “politics is a progenitor while leadership is a product which is socioculturally contextual”
The dark reality of the moment is that Owerrri zone has been pigeon-holed on the structural pattern of peacock politics especially on the bases of representation at the Senate. Owerrri zone has been akin to the proverbial tale of the Tortoise who went to his in-law’s house to ask for their daughter’s hand in marriage but was carried away by the savoury and delicious delicacy offered while a more serious suitor came and took the lady away. This was what led Tortoise into a second marriage contract with “Aliga” his present wife. Very unfortunate.
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