Task before FRSC, security agencies as Yuletide approaches

In less than two weeks away, Nigeria will join the rest of the world to celebrate Christmas and New Year festivities. These two celebrations no doubt, are characterized by increased socio-economic activities including heavy vehicular traffic on the roads accompanied with increasing number of travelers. Here in Nigeria, the period is usually marked by upsurge in auto accidents as road users especially, commercial drivers tend to become reckless in their driving in order to rake in more money from transport fares. It is this particular mindset among road users that…

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Need to be vigilant this Christmas

The clock has gone full circle and December the twelfth and last month of the year is here with us again. All over the world, particularly in countries and regions where Christianity is the dominant religion, December beyond being the last month of the year is also significant for the well known reason of being the month of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Lord and saviour of the whole wild world. Usually, Christians remember the birth of Jesus Christ with festivities prominent of which are Christmas day and Boxing…

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Looming epidemic, environmental disaster along Item and Mbari Streets

Unless something urgent is done by authorities of the Imo Environmental Transformation Commission, ENTRACO, state Ministry of Health and other relevant agencies, residents of Owerri especially, those who live and do business around Item Street, Mbari and environs may have to grapple with looming epidemics following stinking deadly refuse that has blocked all the drainages there with health-threatening ordour oozing from the said drainages. A walk through Item Street around UBA junction up to Diamond Bank along the same street, will make any right thinking citizen of this state put…

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On 2019 election campaigns

With the primary elections of Political parties almost over and done with, serious politicking is about to commence in earnest. Parties and their chosen candidates are about to march into the field to start campaigning and wooing the electorate to support and vote them into office. When the campaigns begin Nigerians would be looking and listening to the hundreds of candidates jostling for various offices, sell themselves and their manifestoes and agenda to them in the hope of winning their votes. As we all know campaigns is a critical component…

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A Post Mortem of recent Party Primaries

The much anticipated political parties primaries have come and gone but certainly not the dusts raised. Generally, these primaries never met the expectations and aspirations of Nigerians and indeed, the democratic world owing to many unsavoury fallouts from the exercise. The most disturbing of these ills no doubt was the monetization of the exercise. Contrary to expectations most of the political parties sold their nomination forms at highly exorbitant costs. This worrisome development no doubt quenched the fire of enthusiasm kindled in many Nigerians especially the youth most of whom…

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2019 election, of politicians and destruction of opponents’ billboards in Imo

Politics essentially ought to be a game of wits rather than physical combat. Brutes and desperados who jump into the game of politics usually come with the strange mindset that the ability to brutalize and oppress others especially, opponents gives them the edge to win. They careless and give no hoot about critical socio-economic issues that ought to form the fulcrum of political campaigns. Recently, there have been outcry from politicians contesting various elective positions in political parties in Imo that their billboards are being destroyed by unknown suspected agents…

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That President Buhari stand on Rule of Law

Recently during the last national convention of the Nigeria Bar Association, NBA, in Abuja, president Muhammadu Buhari had caused a stir when declared that the rule of law should play second fiddle in matters of public and national interest. The President had gone ahead to say that the Supreme Court had in the past made similar pronouncement through a judgment it delivered. Expectedly, this presidential declaration has elicited so much controversy and reactions with majority of them condemning totally the statement. Nobel Laureate Prof Sole Soyinka in his reaction described…

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Security Agencies and 50 Naira Extortion from Motorists

Nigeria security agencies the Police, Armed Forces and Para Military agencies were created by the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria for the purposes of providing security of lives and property of Nigerians from both internal and external aggression. The same constitution in realization of the primary, importance of the duties and responsibilities of these agencies placed them on first line charge in terms of payment of salary, allowances and other performance enhancing emoluments. Primarily the major reason for this prioritization is to ensure that personnel of these agencies…

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Pitiable plight of pensioners in Imo State

Imo pensioners recently took to various media platforms including radio, Owerri and national newspapers to lament what they described as non-payment of their pensions including years of arrears under the present APC administration of Governor Rochas Okorocha in Imo State. The pensioners mostly retired permanent secretaries according to media reports, even went to the extent of penning an open letter to the President Mohammadu Buhari to notify him of their plight. The pensioners equally featured in a radio phone-in programme where they told Imolites and indeed Nigerians what they have…

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That DSS invasion of National Assembly

Last Tuesday, August 7 2018, Nigerians and the international community woke up to behold a strange sight at the National Assembly Complex, Abuja. Masked security operatives from the Department of State Security DSS, had invaded and blockaded the complex, preventing lawmakers, journalists, workers and Nigerian who had one business or another in the complex from gaining access into it. The siege lasted for some hours before various reactions and interventions brought it to an abrupt end. To say the least, that invasion apart from stalling legislative business especially the planned…

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