By Ben OsuagwU
In recent time especially since the Akpabio-Natasha saga, one man who have being in the fore front of the issue in a form of defending Akpabio but unknowningly destroying himself is one Senator Nwebonyi. The day he appeared on Arise TV Morning Show, sane minds will understand how he was twisting his tongues. From my perspective of a Philosopher and Psychologist, it’s obvious that most people incharge of affairs in the country should go through mental check.
In my personal observation, I feel that for Nigerians, time has come for One so called Senator Nwebonyi be REMOVED from the Senate. The way he behaves like a Bull is highly uncalled for and a total disgrace to nationhood. No matter how much he was paid by anyone, he should observe international decorum and behave to protect the office he is holding. He may not be interested in his nature of being crude but the NASS if any.
The likes of Nwebonyi is not suppose to be the Chairman of Touts what more being a Senator. Those who elected him should begin to think twice. His character is highly degrading. He is very insulting, abusive, crooked and talks as if insane. Such a character should not even be Chairman of Truck
Pushers or Scavengers.
Does he have a wife?. From the way he talks down on women as seen so far is disgusting. People should know how to treat others especially women no matter how much you are paid for any dirty job. I don’t think Nwebonyi realised the import of the office he is representing. That he is a Senator is not an authority for him to talk to people the way he is doing. Am a Senator is in your kitchen but the image of the country, your family and Constituency should be uppermost in whatever you do or say. He should not use the Senate to behave in a manner that is derogatory to the nation.