For the House of Representatives as part of  the National Assembly  to consider, resolve and pass a bill for the creation of 31 more states in Nigeria, leaves a lot to be desired, beyond the underlying politics, without proper homework and the support of the majority of the people .

Is the creation of more states in Nigeria , the most important pressing problem of government  ?What’s wrong with our sense of priorities in governance ?

Do the political authorities and pestering politicians on their necks , spare time to think and review their decisions and actions, to ascertain violations of the Constitution, and other laws , by which they swore to the Oath of Office and Allegiance, to which they are bound on the pains of Articles of Impeachment and Removal from Office ?

How often do we notice persistent rape on our Constitution and assaults on the Rule of Law, and everyone glosses over that , regarding it as the norm of national life ?

That’s what happens to and with a government lacking in truthful readiness and leadership accountability, when it garbages and garbages out , without preparedness and political will to govern and improve the frontiers of our democracy .

I do think the incumbent government has reasonable adults of immense maturity , thinking catalysts and a think tank, that could weigh its options, before taking a plunge and developing ideas into realities .

What we see every day, is a government, whose officials delight in appearing periodically in well ironed barbariga , agbada, isi-agu, etc , just to look good, snooze where to locate money to be shared for being in attendance at perhaps National Assembly Sittings , Meetings , or offices, and for being unproductive, doing nothing to justify monies shared at the detriment of the people who should own the government .

How on earth do you drum the idea of creating more states in Nigeria, without first redressing the Federal Question imbalance, and weighing the financial implications, against the backdrop of overwhelming political and economic realities on the ground, when the present government’s miasma of political woes and failures, refused , or neglected to uplift the standard of living and improve the lot of the people till date , while its term listlessly fleets away .

Existing states of the Federation, are crises-ridden, struggling with the burdens of underdevelopment , gross insecurity, infrastructural decay , hunger  social isolation and deprivation , heavy internal and external debt portfolios, among others  .

Any further expansion of the present states structure, without first of taking care of the existing ones , may inexorably result in the natural extinction of States of Federation, weighed down by untold unemployment and outrageous debts, making them incapable of taking care of their workforces, achieving growth, economic development and prosperity .

There are no urgent political considerations to warrant agitation for the issue of new states creation by the Tinubu Administration .

It’s the dumbest idea for anyone to think or suggest that .

In Nigeria, everything goes without questions , and this is what’s responsible for the intransigence of the incumbent government in pressing the people’s red buttons and drawing Nigeria closer to total anarchy and brink of sociological collapse and disaster .

When you have a government diagnosed with Learning Disability and Listening Disorder , what do you expect ?

Waking up everyday and dabbling into actions and political activities, without underscoring the underpinnings of feasible and plausible solutions to Nigeria’s intractable problems, makes us more of a laughing stock before the world .

We’re where we’re, clearly indicates that the leadership problem snowballed our nation into its current dangerous place .

You spend your time to make candid , productive and patriotic contributions towards the wellbeing of our country, some lazy bones somewhere, would prefer to do what suits their selfish interests.

One is tired of talking and sacrificing for Nigeria .

If God Almighty wants to embark on cleansing,  resetting , restructuring and recreating Nigeria into a new political entity, after ridding off the bad eggs , in a form of Rapture, let Him do oooooo.

We’re sick and tired of a country that’s not working for the majority population .

One evident truth , is that this status quo will never ever stay for long , longer than could be tolerated .

Whatever has a beginning, has an end


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