By Vitalis Unachukwu
Rotimi Amaechi was right .
Who then can bail Nigerians from the dangerous situation they found themselves at the moment ? There’s no gainsaying the fact , that Nigerians are their own worst enemies, architects and root cause of their problems, enslavement and endless hardships, as Rotimi Amaechi stated .
This is a nation its citizens delight in allowing themselves to be deluded into eulogizing and lauding their political rulers and representatives in government, even with the knowledge and conviction that they are not doing well in government, without courageously letting them know their concerns and lot , as well as how they feel about their actions and inactions in government .
Failure to do their part , and for doing nothing about their current predicament and unspeakable conditions, they should not expect God Almighty to do His own part over their inhuman conditions, occasioned by the bad policies of their political rulers , who hide under the incubation of endemic corruption, to rip off the people and the country .
After all, citizens of other nations in the International Community, did not wait on God , before getting it right on their political or democratic freedom, and catapulting themselves where they’re today .
Why did they become the only nation on the globe , to tolerate and stomach the electoral atrocities and criminalities of the 2023 Presidential Elections in which the Opposition won landslide , which citizens of other nations could not , in the post Covid Pandemic era, when the Opposition virtually defeated the political establishments ?
As long as Nigerians remain dormant, docile, gullible, cowards and unrepentant, their sufferings would never end and the road to recovery and victory over injustices, abuses , atrocities and tyranny, would continue to remain arduous , with no end in sight at the end of the tunnel .
God’s intervention seems far off , because Nigerians appear unruffled in their comfortable zones and abodes , while begrudging, whining , cursing , screaming and wallowing around in self pity .
God performs miracles, when there’s a human setting .
When the Lord Jesus multiplied 5 loaves and 2 fishes , there was a setting ( a small boy in the midst of the crowd, carrying the items used in the miraculous multiplication of the loaves and fishes ) and there was a great need to feed the hungry to the glory of God .
More so , miracles are triggered off by FAITH , even the one with the size of a mustard seed .
Do Nigerians have such faith and trust in God , to ignite His intervention and liberation ?
Do Nigerians actually worth anything in terms of holiness of life and life of righteousness before God , in order to attract His mercies and inimitable goodness ?
Former Minister and Governor, Rotimi Amaechi, has been there after tasting both worlds and is in the position to assess Nigerians, as to why they chose silence to their plight than resistance to their lingering predicament ?
Some Nigerians would argue and say , what should be the people’s expectations , without knowing and looking at what other nations and their citizens did during elections , that frightened their incumbent government officials from cheating the Opposition out of the outcome of elections cast ?
Nigerians are incharge of their democratic institutions, from where they allowed themselves to be corruptly induced and overwhelmed with blood money by money bag politicians, which turned our nation upside down and ditched her in political limbo .
Nothing positive will happen in Nigeria, unless Nigerians repent and turn from their evil , wicked ways and live by God’s injunctions in 2 Chronicles 7:14 , where lies the magic bullet and solution to our problems .
For now , it’s when we wake up from our long slumber , rise to the occasion. , take up the gauntlet, play our part and wait on God , than our emancipation would be as a reality as the fresh air we breathe .
Amaechi is right .
He should now demonstrate restraint and show leadership in the midst of the people , until the people’s expectations are met in a nation , they are largely disregarded , abused , neglected and reckoned with, as slaves and second class citizens .
Like children on a long journey asking intermittently :
Are we there yet ?
When will Nigerians reach the promised land ?
Who will be the Moses at the helm to lead them ?
Every Nigerian should be concerned about the present and the pregnant future facing all of us with slew of uncertainties