
This clarification to disclaimer by Mr  Okechukwu Okoroafor on  his purpoted Crowing as Eze-Elect   by my humble self, Elder Ozuocha Emmanuel Okorie, former Onye Isi Ala Oforola, now  known and  addressed as Evangelist Ozuocha Emmanuel Okorie has become necessary due to  his response  rooted in emotional and psychological blackmail against my personality as  seen in the maner he  deliberately cut corners,  misinformed  and misrepresented issues   to confuse the general public  to disbelieve a reality I  published  as former  Prime King Maker of Oforola,  on Star Post Express dated Monday October 14, I am  old  enough to know the truth and lies and has remained bold in stating the  obvious. My  publication in my former position as Onye Isi Ala and now  Evangelist was a factual presentation without fabrications, distortions or  falsehood .


Expression of doubt by Mr Okechukwu Okoroafor   in the authenticity of the publication if it truly emanated from me  was a mere cover up  and infantile pretense because the same Onye Isi Ala he said cannot willfully make those publications, willfully told him and  at the High  Court to remove my name as N0;3  in the suit he filed against the kingship stool of Oforola without my consent.

The publication is a further confirmation of my stand at the court which cannot be denied by him as he purpotedly  tried to twist facts and figures. The truth is always bitter but it must be told.



I was a true holder of the highly revered position of Oforola Kingmaker , I knew  my onus and operated with the wisdom of Solomon,I can boldly state the truth  that Mr Okechukwu Okoroafor purportedly turned what would have been a consultation meeting into a dramatized crowning to further perfect his purpoted  hidden agenda which was  later  exposed by his recent actions and inactions.

It is obvious that the man who purportedly  made mockery of the Ezeola Stool to the extent of  trying to play hide and seek with it has been exposed, he is now running from Pilar to Post to cover his alleged smart practice that never saw the light of the day.




It is clear  to all well meaning  sons and daughters of Oforola that I,  was a former Onye Isi Ala, now  Evangelist Ozuocha Emmanuel Okorie, I have  maintained that I did not play any official,  significant or intentional in  purported crowing of  Mr Okechukwu Okoroafor, Ezeola 11 and there was never a time he was officially informed  to return home and  commence preparation for the succession of Late Ezeola 1.  For  him not to mention the Head of Traditional Council that informed him to come   home to commence preparation  for the succession of Ezeola 1 and date the invitation was made showed his smartness to cover up obvious truth. In my position as a former  Onye Isi Ala, I  said;  I later discovered that he did not buy form, this is a glaring truth  he has deliberately  refused to deny, for him not to deny it, means he accepted it. He knows that Invitation cannot be extended to someone who did not buy form and return it for processing. This is a bitter truth he has  refused to publicly accept.


Mr Okechukwu  Okoroafor who was never  a Prince by birth but by probably  by nick name  did not fulfil any requirement  for kingship postion, he started and ended his campaign for kingship at informal level by buying drinks, meat and Ugba for people. He only visited those he wished to visit, invited those he wished to invite  and took pictures with them, those pictures  of his showmanship are what he  erroneously   parades  as  empirical  evidence for his coronation  No doubt;¹ he made few  consultations  but never purchased form for the position , simply because he knew he is not qualified by  Constitution of Oforola, that was why he purportedly  decided to cut corners.


If he is saying the truth let him state the date he bought kingship form, who sold  it to him, his payment receipt, when he returned it and who screened him.

(6)  it is unfortunate that Mr Okechukwu Okoroafor has always shown sign of   a man who say one thing and do another thing, this  is not good for his identity. What he claimed took place on April 22, 2021 was one of those his informal gathering of   few people he loves and respect to inform them about his intention to contest for the kingship stool. His claims that I   crowned  him Eze Elect was total falsehood because he never won the seat, neither was he made a consensus candidate or only choice for the seat.His claims  were pure  misinformation, misleading to the general public and above all,  it doesn’t portray a man with a good heart who means well for peace, unity and progress of Oforola. Obviously; he made the rejoinder to tell more lies, distort a straight record and to  unduly interfere with peaceful Oforola Ezeship Stool.


Let me State correctly and  clearly,  there was never a time I  said in my publication that Ezeship  Stool of Oforola is idol worship, the statement of Mr  Okereafor in number  7 of his disclaimer  was another show  of his passion for misrepresentation of issues with intention to misinform unformed minds and the general public . The position of the kingmaker has never been in doubt and was not the bone of contention, rather the reality of his purported Eze- Elect  which he claimed  elevated him to a Crown Prince is the bone of contention. Is unfortunate that he has continued to tell new lies to cover up old lies by this he knowingly or unknowingly corrupt the  history of Oforola and made a mockery of himself. Mr Okoroafor  lacks understanding  that Christianity is a lifestyle and not a religion.As a former  kingmaker, I have decided  to move from Traditional Religion to Christianity which is the lifestyle of Christ, it does not concern Mr Okechukwu Okoroafor because I  have freedom of worship and  association under the  constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Is  laughable that Mr Okechukwu wrote as if he is my spokesperson or the mouth piece of the gods. From a bird eye view and from biblical point of view, lies are not  far from multitude of talks. Sometimes when one talks too much; he begins to talk from two sides of his mouth.


In number 10 of his bamboozled and beguilement disclaimer, with his known mannerism of thwarting issues  just to confuse the  general public, where  he  smartly stated that Crowning comes before Coronation but buried the fact that selection  comes first before crowning and coronation , we all know that you cannot be crowned and coronated without first and foremost been selected.


If Mr Okechukwu Okoroafor is stating the obvious, let him  tell the general public who  selected him, the meritorious conditions  that qualified him for selection and who presided over the purported  process that produced him.



From all indications, is obvious that Mr Okechukwu Okoroafor turned the  personal invitations he sent to people to pre-inform them about his wishful desire to contest before he silently declined into a  purpoted public invitation by the leadership of  our community to crown him.



There are glaring  signs that Mr Okechukwu  Okoroafor has purpotedly  decided to live in deceit and falsehood  and over ambition,  by continously presenting falsehood on matters concerning Oforola Kingship stool.  Checks on him showed that  from claiming Eze-Elect,  he elevated himself to erroneous  and illegitimate position of a Crown Prince. An Eze -Elect that never was  a reality  will certainly not produce a Crown Prince.  His claims that his forebears  named Ordu /Ogbonna  were path of Traditional Institution  that preceded Late Eze Nwosu Ehirim reigns  clearly exposed his lies that his forebears Odu  and Ogbonna were not Eze. For  the fact that one was a commissioner and  member of the State Executive Council, does not make that person  the dully elected  Executive Govenor of the state.



(13) In his  perceived descriptive disclaimer,  the same Mr Okechukwu Okoroafor who directly or indirectly made us to understand that his forebears were not king in Oforola, also did not State that he is the first son of Late Eze Obichere to qualify him for the postion of a crown prince, this suggests that  he is a crown prince by nick name. It is a well known fact that every male child in the rulling family is a prince while the First Son is the  Crown Prince, just like the First Daughter of the king  is the Crown Princess.


(14)  Mr Okechukwu Okoroafor  should state any Oforola,  Eze late or alive he is his first son to qualify him for the postion of  Crown Prince, failure to do that, he is clearly an impersonator and he should  know the legal consequences of impersonation.




As a former Onye Isi Ala, I  made a clear  and sensitive point that Mr Okechukwu Okoroafor did not purchase the kingship form, he was quick to put a disclaimer on the publication I made but  deliberately ignored the clear  and sensitive point that he did not purchase Kingship  form. This display of smartness to cover a vital point  has further exposed him to the general public to see his level of untruthfulness and how he is playing hide and seek with facts and figures .



Mr Okechukwu Okoroafor should tell the general public why he  listed only three  signatories to his disclaimer who  are  from the same village.  They are not Elders or village Chairmen of Oforola Ancient Kingdom. If he truly enjoys massive acceptance and support of Oforola Community, why did he fail to secure the approval and signatures of the village Chairmen of Oforola Ancient Kingdom? Truth will always expose falsehood, just like light  will always dispel darkness.



Finally; the general public should disregard his disclaimer, as it was disjointed with unclear and hidden truth, a  misleading information concocted to confuse uninformed minds  and a clear presentation of falsehood.





Evangelist Emmanuel Ozuocha Okorie

Former Onye Isi Ala Oforola Ancient

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