Celestial Church, Owerri Central Parish Dedicates Temple, Lay Alter.

…Hails Parish Shepherd-Ayiam for divine obedience  to build Cathedral 

By Onyinyechi Nwankwo

A multi-million naira church building erected by the Celestial Church of Christ ,Owerri Central Parish Rescue Centre, Emmanuel Cathedral, was dedicated  on Wednesday,  September 25, officially dedicated, just as an alter was laid and consecrated.

The Church  building dedication/alter laying ceremony took place at the church auditorium at No 12 Old Nekede Road, Umuezerokam Village in Owerri West Local Government Area of Imo State.

Giving a  sermon from  II Chronicles, Chapter 6:1-22, Ven. Sup.Tom O. Benson, in charge of Tembogal Parish, Benin City in Edo State, who was among the delegates  from Headquarters for the ceremony, noted that building of God’s house is a rare privilege that is not given to everybody.

The man of God noted that it is  regarded as a thing of great pleasure to be appointed or directed by God to build for Him.

Pointing out the case of King David in the Bible who desired to build a Temple for God, but was rejected and the privilege and the grace was then  given  to his son, Solomon, to build the temple, Ven. Sup Benson, maintained that anyone directed by God to build a church for Him is a favoured and blessed individual.

He appreciated God Almighty for the dedication and alter laying of the Temple, stating that the Temple is built for the sole worship and service of God, which he said in return attracts great blessings from God to His true worshippers.

Commending the Shepherd of the Parish for his prompt obedience to God’s call to build the cathedral, the spiritual leader seized the opportunity to charge members to demonstrate their love for God and worship Him in truth and in Spirit, bearing in mind that the Temple is for God’s service, not for frivolities.

Speaking to Journalists in an interview, the Parish Shepherd of Emmanuel Cathedral, Sup Evang.Prophet Donatus Chukwumaeze   Ayiam  informed that God, at first called him out of his secular work to save the lost as a Minister of the gospel and later on directed him to build a temple for His worship which he obeyed and accomplished, despite the present bitting economy of the country that posed an initial  and great challenge to the project.

He stressed that doing God’s Will always brings fulfilment, even as  he opined  that he felt  very fulfilled and accomplished in life for having  carried out God’s instruction to erect such  edifice successfully.

Advising the Celestial faithful to always demonstrate humility and obedience to God’s instructions, he added  that there is no disappointment in serving and having faith in God Almighty.

Lending their voices, the other delegates, Sup Evang Paul Mayaki and Ven. Sup. Samuel O. Osodi, expressed amazement at the great deeds of God done by his Ministers at Emmanuel Cathedral, praying for more of God’s blessings upon them.

Similarly, Mother Celestial Calista Ayiam, wife of the Parish Shepherd and Elder Prophetess Blessing Akowuba, member, said they are very glad for  the marvellous works of God in their midst, thanking Him for coming through for them throughout the erection of the church building.

They  appreciated  the entire members of the Parish for their collective efforts in the actualization of the Cathedral.

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