Proliferation of Worship Centres Should Better, Impact Citizens Behaviour

It is trite to say that there are by far, more worship centres in society today than before. Yet it is easy to observe that the development does not appear to have brought corresponding decline in

corruption, crime and immoral behaviors.

Christian worship centres seem to take the lead in terms of the manner churches, synagogues and the likes are being set up everywhere.

Ordinarily, there is nothing wrong with this, but the question is whether the springing up of worship centres like churches  or erection of mosques has necessitated our keen interest to give God or Allah or Yaweh the sincere or deserved obedience. Obedience or loyalty to the Almighty is the true key for productive fellowship with God. There is the need therefore for good manners or exemplary lifestyle from people who attend worship grounds either as Christians, Muslims, Sabbath keepers or even  Judaists.

It is sad however, to note that in most cases, what is preached is not what is done. Obviously what God or Yaweh or Allah needs from us is faithfulness which is usually seen in good, moral behaviours.

Reality is, vices or crimes like prostitution, indecent dressing, ritual killings, robbery, banditry kidnapping, financial crimes, among others, continue to rise even in the face of so many worship centres in this generation.

For instance, the level of corruption among the leadership class ought not to be so because virtually every leader in government today is either a Christian, Muslim or attends a  worship centre. This is not peculiar to those in leadership, corruption and social vices remain visible in the markets, schools, town unions, social gatherings, associations, political parties, the list can go on.

It becomes imperative for religious leaders to do more by teaching sound moral values to their members.

Emphasises should not be on money or politics, as it is believed to be the case with some worship centres, nowadays.

Irrespective of the faith one professes, attention should be on using ones religious belief to better society. Just as the Holy Scriptures put it, “…if salt loses its taste, of what use is it to continue to call salt…”



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