Chika Ibekwe: Is Ngor Okpala Moving Toward New Normal In Global Leadership Trend

By Casmir Agbugba


The new normal today in the global leadership sector seems to be rising women leadership. Across the world now women are occupying presidential seats and other strategic global and national leadership positions. And not just that, it seems the trend is gaining traction.

More than anything else, what is happening in the most powerful nation on earth today, the USA portrays this tendency.

Those who are closely following the drama of the ongoing presidential election campaign, can testify that Kamala Harris is ahead of Mr Donald Trump in all pre election indices. And this is happening just only after two months or so that she took over from President Biden as the Democratic Party candidate.

Before Biden stepped aside almost all odds favoured Mr Trump, who’s the Republican Candidate. But, Ms Harris has almost turned the tide 360% against Mr Trump, as demonstrated by her almost tripling of Mr Trump’s campaign fund last week. In US campaign fund raising is remains a key indice for measuring winning chances. So, what last week scenario means is that, if the election is held today, the US may likely have the first ever female president since independence on July 4, 1776. Of course, if she is able to sustain this rich vein of form till the November 5, 2024, Ms Harris may beat Trump. And if she does that, she will significantly boost the argument that the world seems to be inclining towards women leadership, today.

Of course, it is worth stating that one seeming reason why this trend is gaining traction is because of the seeming tendency for good leadership by women. We have witnessed that in some countries like Germany, Croatia and New Zealand, where Angela Merkel, Grabar Kitrovic, and Jecinda Arden, served meritoriously.Even here in Nigeria women like Dr Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Dr Arunma Otteh and the late amazon Dr Dora Akunyili, eloquently showcased this trait in positions they held here previously. As a result of those exemplary performances, there’s also growing consciousness among Nigerians that a woman becoming president of the country, or state governor is no more unthinkable.

Apparently, it’s this mindset which is behind the seeming populist acceptance of the emergence of Hon Mrs Chika Ibekwe as the

chairmanship candidate of the ruling APC for Ngor Okpala LGA Chairmanship Office. Majority of the people of the council have voiced support for her choice. And remarkably, this support has always being backed by the same sentiment- that since men have dominated leadership since the LGA creation- it is time to try women.

Of course , this is a justified, rational thinking. However, the good news Nde Ngor Okpala need to hear is that, while trying women is a good idea, if Hon Ibekwe by their support and God’s grace becomes chairperson, she will not only try, but will assuredly deliver good governance.

That is just what would happen because she has proven leadership qualities. She’s highly emotionally intelligent and emotional intelligence is a key leadership recipe. She deeply loves, feels for and cares for her people and this is evident in her regular identification with all humanitarian and developmental causes in the area. Be it support for social, cultural and community development, for the bereaved and indeed, every other legitimate effort at uplifting people of Ngor Okpala, individually and collectively,, Hon Ibekwe does not only show up, but is always on the frontline of contributions, as a way of motivating and inspiring others to do the same.

She has listening ears and runs an open door policy. This is why you can see her if you want and express yourself. Of course, she listens to all, class, belief and status notwithstanding. And equally accepts and implements advices she see as worthy.


Above all, she has proven administrative and management prowess, having successfully served as a member of the expanded executive of the 3R administration of Distinguished Senator Hope Uzodinma. Besides, public service, she’s also played in the private sector, where she focused her attention on civil society duties, with unapologetic interest in fighting for women rights.

In the final analysis therefore, if Hon Mrs Ibekwe is elected chairperson, that would mean that Ngor Okpala has joined the new global leadership recruitment trend. And by so doing contributed to raising the bar in the clamour for increased women leadership locally and nationally.

But, most importantly, her tenure would surely change the uninspiring developmental narrative of Ngor Okpala LGA.


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