The Race For 2027

By Nnamdi Nwigwe 

The sycophants, like David Umahi, who have jumped the gun by speaking of Tinubu’s second term should start thinking about something else as a Presidential election in 2027 is unlikely.


The move to introduce a one five-year tenure is bound to intensify. The kite is already flying though the generality of the citizenry, as always, appears unconcerned. Including the media!

I will support the change and advocate that the incumbent president begins it.

It is not in doubt that nearly all the political storms that had hit our dear nation had their origins in the desire by an incumbent to return to do a second tenure as if it is a right.

Our Constitution stipulates a term of FOUR YEARS for both the Governors and the President.

But provision is made for a second term for the Chief Executive on condition their political parties re-present them for election.

But so far, all sitting Presidents Governors believed that Constitutional provision meant that the second term is necessarily successive.

But it isn’t.

One can leave after his/her four-year term and retire to a private life.

After their successors had completed their tenure – or indeed after several years, they could legitimately vie for the office once again if they consider themselves popular enough.

Their first term could recommend them if they performed well.

The point is that there should be no more automatic return for a second term.

A Constitutional amend should equally bare a former Governor from going straight to the National – or even the State Assembly immediately after leaving office.

These suggestions if implemented will save the country a lot of political and social paroxysms.

It will also make for quality and competent people with altruistic motives to go into politics.

Such men and women will invariably be people with a profession to go back to AFTER serving as President or Governor.

It would be helpful if our media and public opinion moulders will begin vibrant discussions and debates for a paradigm shift for the better and not to wait until another round of crises afflict the nation.


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