Desire  Opraranozie Foundation Initiative Debutes  In Imo

…”It’s for Olympics mentorship program for schools in Imo

By Nkechi Ojukwu

Following today’s  era of sports development in the World which has elevated  many youths and their families at various levels, a former Super  Falcon player,Miss  Desire Oparanozie has formed ,the Desire Opraranozie Foundation ( The Opraranozie9 Initiative), she

Miss  Opraranozie who spoke to newsmen recently in Owerri explained  laid

held Olympics Mentorship program to train  secondary schools students  in Owerri, Capital of Imo State

According to her she is carrying  out the project in partnership with the France Embassy, with the Theme: “SPORTING ACTIVITIES IN SCHOOLS — PARIS  2024.”

The program is in line with the  Olympics programs hosted  by France and this is one among the activities the Country rolled out in this Olympic  season for schools and with other Foundations.

She revealed  that it is to ensure that the public and communities across Nigeria are intimated about the Olympics.

And also,she explained  that it is a  mentorship  and motivation program to secondary schools students  from the ages between  12 and 17years.

Miss. Opraranozie further disclosed that the program is not limited to a particular sport activity, but it’s main purpose  was to encourage those school pupils and students who do not participate in sports to be engaged and involve in it, “because we known  the benefits of sports and it can engage our young people to get off the streets and prepare them for better future that is the reason for this event”

She maintained  that,” in the aftermath they will understand the benefits attached to sports activities and key into it and combined it with their education”.

She was of the opinion that sports helps in shaping and giving young people the  right thinking as well  as better lives.

She  assured that the Foundation will do subsequent programs to hand pick those that have do well for future exploits to showcase their talents to the World through the industry .

The founder of the Desire Opraranozie Foundation, maintained that their future programs will  be of visiting secondary schools in the state.

Speaking to  some students  from the  various schools in the event, one of topmost sports son of Imo State , Mr. Emmanuel Amuneke, advised them to be focus in everything they are doing despite challenges of life, hence they known exactly what they are pursuing.

He revealed that  at some  stages of process in life that they will never be noticed, adding,”as a small boy  I was in Imo State at my 4years and actually left at my 10th  year  to Lagos because  I was playing football always and my mother thought I will stop.

Then  when I got to  Lagos,my love for football  increased, it got  worse .when i got there.

I  want to encourage you as young boys and girls  to believe in yourselves and do not listen to people, for they will discourage you but hope in God, who is above  will be your stepping stone”.

” I’m excited to be in this program and I appreciate my sister for creating this opportunity and bringing up this Foundation to encourage the younger ones. We all need to be part of this project to make it grow, you can reach me at all times, I am part of this project because young people have to be motivate,” he promised.

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