Homosexuality, America and the end of humanity

That is why God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men, and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved. Romans Ch. 1 vs 26-27 (TLB)

Woe alas, the end has begun for humanity! America is capitulating and falling. Madmen are chasing away the specialists; deviants are finally winning the battle. Woe alas, the world stands on its head. Come June, the United States Supreme Court (USSC) will decide whether same-sex (SS) marriage could become the norm in the U.S. With about 58 per cent of Americans already loving SS union; with a serving president endorsing it; with bishops and archbishops proudly being gay and consecrating ‘strange’ wed locks, and some influential countries around the world already practicing it, the USSC would be hard put not to give its nod to it; if only to rest the matter once and for all.

THE FINAL FALL: Man has finally fallen from all grace. Across the ages, the battle between good and evil has raged. Homosexuality, one of the greatest human deviant behaviors had been with man from Adam. Man had fought it, consigning it to the closet for a long time but it refuses to be still. For instance, just 40 years ago, homosexuality was listed as a mental disorder by the American Psychiatric Association. Today, it is considered a normal sexual behavior and a human right issue. There are over 600,000 SS families in the U.S with about 115,000 of them raising children.

Today’s licentious world has convinced itself that deviant behavior is okay and acceptable; it has allowed maladjusted people to have their way. They have allowed people who need help, who need prayers and divine intervention to reclaim their checkered lives to take control of the driver’s seat of the human race. It is most aptly captured in the Yoruba saying: k’afi ibaje se ayo – to glory in rottenness. As humanity wallows in rottenness and extreme carnality, they are far removed from the divine and the glorious. If our permissive world accepts that it is a man’s right to sleep with another man, by the same token, shouldn’t it be his right and sexual preference to choose to sleep with his dog, goat, cow and chicken? And why should anybody worry when strange diseases begin to ravage the world and seek to exterminate humanity? If we accept lesbianism and homosexuality, we must by the same token allow kleptomania, sadism and other deviant behaviours as norm and individual right.

GOD, NATURAL ORDER AND SOVEREIGN WILL: Is any surprised that humanity has come to this sorry pass? For many decades, the Western world has repudiated God. It has civilized ‘beyond’ God. The West has bred generations of anti-Gods; denizens who never attended church, who read no scriptures; who have grown old soulless and never reading a word of the Bible. They have bred spiritual zombies, vacuous people who are infuriated by the very concept of deity or religious codes. The world is filled with carnal beings groomed on dollars, flesh and individual freedom. They are wise by themselves and are gods unto themselves; whatever feels good is okay, whatever their feeble minds can justify is right.


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