Target Of South East Development Commission Bill As Sponsored By Sam Daddy

By ReaLity

In a society like a Nigerian state where the constitutional provision for decision making, leadership, protection, opportunities to get what, where, when and how is skewed in a way that a section of the country is placed above others, it then becomes a herculean task for the minority to have a say even when what is talked about is produced by him.

In such a situation, the only visible option becomes demonstration which the government usually view as recalcitrance and in the government’s tyrannical ways of clamping down on such revolt; it leads to loss of valuable properties and lives.

Since after the collapse of the ABURI ACCORD which led to the avoidable civil war between 1967-1970 followed by other politically motivated genocides and killings in the south eastern part of the nation predominantly settled by the igbos, no person has ever sat back to fine-tune the strategies for the re-settlement, development and re-inclusion of the igbos into the business of the nation called Nigeria.

It can only take a visionary person to re-write the ugly histories of his people by thinking and acting differently to yet arrive at same goal without the usual spillings’ of bloods of innocent lives and waste of valuable properties. For such a visionary person to achieve his set objectives, he must be equipped with uncommon courage and charismatic eloquence, bargaining prowess and above all, must be divinely linked to the supreme God for the desired authority to deliver.

This is where the senator represented the Imo East senatorial district has shown himself as the instrument designed to re-write the history of the Igbos and setting them free from the constant and usual unprovoked and unwarranted killings occasioned by their disapproval of certain government policies inimical to their ways of life and beliefs.

This vocal senate Committee chairman on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions has in a record time proven to be that leader whose modus Vivendi has become the modus oprandi of his people by sponsoring and seeing the signing into law of the all important South East Development Commission (SEDC) which will among other things cause the rehabilitation, reconstruction and re-positioning of the region for the development of the economic potentials needed to stimulate industrial growth and resource diversification as well as addressing the dearth of infrastructure and other related environmental issues posing a big challenge to the development of the South East States.

For this leader who is intellectually alive and ready with vigour for higher leadership responsibilities, what can we give to him for securing the lives of our children and the generatioNext?

We say thank you to this distinguished Sen Samuel Nnaemeka Anyanwu for re-branding and re-creating the South Eastern region while hoping that your vision of re-branding and re-creating Imo state will soon become a reality.

Congratulations to our tenacious senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and my BOSS.

My name is Reality writing for the #REVELATIONSMEDIA

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