Imperative of Participation In Imo State’s Local Government Elections

By Chibuikem Diala

As Imo State gears up for its Local Government Elections in September 2024, the political landscape is rife with skepticism and distrust. With 305 wards across 27 Local Government Areas (LGAs) set to compete in a State organised election, the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) has already mobilized its machinery for the polls. However, the opposition parties, including the Labour Party and the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) are yet to fully commit to participating in the process.

The reasons adduced by some opposition parties and citizens threatening to abstain from participating in the process, citing a lack of faith in the APC-dominated Imo State Independent Electoral Commission (ISIEC), raises critical questions about the democratic process in the state.

The apprehensions of these parties are not unfounded. In the past, the present  administration has been challenged by allegations of electoral manipulations. Recall the controversial 2019 elections, where Governor Uzodimma was accused of leveraging the courts to secure his position, and the allegations of irregularities in the 2023 Governorship Election, where the APC was accused of orchestrating an electoral heist, have eroded public trust in the electoral process.

Allegedly, result sheets are often written outside the polling units and sneaked into collation centres as was experienced in the last House of Assembly Election in the State where armoured vehicles (as seen in Nwangele and Onuimo LGAs) were used by state agents to steal/exchange result sheets. The discrepancies between the announced results and the accredited figures from the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) further underscore these concerns.

Despite these legitimate concerns, it is crucial for all political parties to participate in the upcoming elections. Local Government Elections, being grassroots in nature, provide a unique opportunity to influence governance at the most fundamental level. These elections are pivotal in shaping local leadership and addressing the immediate needs of communities. By opting out, opposition parties risk conceding this vital space to the ruling party, potentially allowing unchecked dominance.

Engagement in these elections, even in the face of potential manipulation, is a strategic necessity. Grassroots elections are inherently closer to the people, making it easier to monitor and manage the process. Voter turnout and vigilance can play a significant role in safeguarding the integrity of the elections. Mobilizing the electorate to vote and protect their votes can act as a counterbalance to any attempts at electoral fraud. Voter apathy has been the greatest ally to electoral conspiracy and fraud.

Moreover, participation in these elections sends a powerful message about commitment to democracy. Boycotting the elections might be seen as a surrender to the status quo, whereas active involvement underscores a determination to fight for transparent and accountable governance. It is essential for political parties to demonstrate resilience and a willingness to engage with the system, no matter how flawed it may appear.

The recent Supreme Court ruling granting full autonomy to Local Government Areas across the country marks a significant victory for communities. With this newfound autonomy, it is imperative for the electorate to elect quality and credible leaders who will manage resources efficiently and not merely kowtow to the powers that be. This historic ruling empowers local governments to operate independently, making the choice of leadership more critical than ever.

Citizens, too, have a pivotal role to play. Their participation and vigilance are critical in ensuring that their voices are heard. Encouraging widespread voter turnout can mitigate the impact of any manipulative tactics. When citizens are actively involved in the electoral process, it becomes significantly harder for any party to subvert their will.

Furthermore, the local government tier is a training ground for future leaders. Engaging in these elections allows parties to groom and showcase emerging leaders who can make a difference at higher levels of governance. It is an opportunity to build a pipeline of competent and dedicated public servants committed to the well-being of their communities.

In conclusion, while the skepticism surrounding the credibility of the upcoming Local Government Elections in Imo State is understandable, it is imperative for all political parties to participate. Grassroots elections offer a unique chance to influence local governance and empower communities. By mobilizing the electorate and ensuring active participation, political parties and citizens alike can protect the integrity of the electoral process and reinforce their commitment to democracy.

Participation, even in the face of adversity, is a powerful tool for change.

Opinions Expressed Are Personal To Chibuikem Diala ARPA- Founder, The House Excellence Built (THEB). A Non Governmental Organisation and Strong Advocate Of Transformational Leadership And Development Democracy

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