Ohaji-Egbema/Oguta/OruWest Reps: Stop This Lawmaking By Blackmail, Intimidation, Obodo Tasks Dibiagwu

“Show your score card in 2yrs,that’s all we ask”

A legal Practitioner and Activist Barr. Goodhead Obodo has advised the Member representing Ohaji-Egbema and Oru West Federal Constituency, Engr. Eugene Dibiagwu to try as much as he could to shun what he described as ” lawmaking by blackmail”, adding that, he should focus on what he’s at the National Assembly to do.

Obodo also advised the lawmaker not to allow his media aides to destroy him by attacking people who are not at the National Assembly at the moment with him, noting that at the end of the day, he’s the one to be held accountable by the people of his federal Constituency.

He noted that one  year after, the people  of Ohaji/Egbema/Oguta/Oru-West Connstituents have been expecting to roll out  of his achievements like the other representatives and , instead of him  unveiling his  achievements, he resorted to blackmail, his media apostles have continued to issue threats and resorting to blackmail against those who had asked for the account of his stewardship for the first one year.

According to him , it calls worry that the lawmaker should  abandoned his legislative responsibilities  to be talking about some leaders in his Constituency including his successor, adding that such development does not augur well for him as the people’s representative.

For him “there is nothing wrong the people of his federal Constituency asking Hon.Dibiagwu to unveil his achievements in his first  one year in  office as a lawmaker . To make such demand is the constitutional and Civic rights of his people. Obviously Lawmaking by blackmail won’t help him  and his Federal constituency”.

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