Depopulation GMO: Tinubu Govt Signs Off Nigerians Lives To Bill Gate

 By Afam Echi

There are strong indications that the Bill Gate agenda to reduce world population with the blacks as focus is graining round through the complicity of weak and corrupt African leaders. Information has filtered that Nigerian officials have signed off a Memorandum of Understanding with agents of the Bill Gate Foundation signaling the commercial dissemination of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) (seeds). This has grave implications for food supplies, our health and environment.

GMO seeds are not natural but created in the laboratory by removing the organic substances and substituting them with chemical induced organisms. One of the dangers of GMO seeds is that they cannot be replanted. Once you harvest them you can only go back to the suppliers in a fresh planting season.

Recall that our local farmers usually preserve some seeds from the harvest of the current year for replanting the next year. Now that they are doing away with organic seeds your ability to farm and have food crops will now be at the mercy of those supplying the GMO seeds. They may or may not sell to you or sell to you at their own terms.

Recall again that a prominent Owerri based scientist and pro life champion and medical director of Chidicon Hospital, Prof Philip Njemanze, has stridently through the print and electronic continually waged wars against Bill Gate and his evil agenda of exterminating the black population focusing on Nigeria.

He has never spared a moment to campaign against the health and economic hazards of introducing GMO products which has been rejected by European and other countries of the world. But it would appear that the corrupt practices that have overwhelmed Nigerian officials have blinded them to the point of selling their conscience to give out the lives of their fellow citizens.

Other concern about the Bill Gate poison is that it is poisonous. One of the advertized advantages is that it contains some pesticides which make insects that eat GMO corns to die. You can imagine humans’ now consuming pesticide directly from the product. This it is feared will lead to mass depopulation through deaths of consumers.

Again, it is reported that once you plant a GMO seed on a piece of land you cannot plant organic seeds on that same land. It cannot grow because it affects both the soil structure and composition.

In Kenya, where this evil practice has been perfected through regulation, organic seeds there are now called fake products because according to them they want to lead the people to a new world order.  A concerned citizen speaking on the matter as captured in the social media hinted thus:

“Do you know that it is illegal now for me to share my organic seeds with my neighbor. It is illegal by law. They even created a law to give international organizations rights through patenting of their seeds by foreigners, patenting of their seeds that you must use.”

The so called new world order is all about control. Under the new world order the target is to control food supply and the farm land and if they can control this they will take control of the masses. The man who feeds you practically calls the shots. Thus, they seek to take over agricultural lands and transfer them from private individuals to corporations.

It is held in some quarters that the introduction of inorganic materials is to weaken the immune system ahead of another predicted pandemic that will hit the world soon. These pandemic like the Covid-19 will be scientifically manipulated to depopulate the world.

Some concerned citizens have observed that there is a hidden agenda by a suspected white group to eradicate the black world through so many manipulations. They recall the era of the Ebola disease which was found in Africa. The HIV is still hotly contested as the product of the evil machinations of this agenda which they also claim to trace to Africa.

Before that could settle down there was the Covid-19 which was controversially again proven as a laboratory produced ailment designed to reduce the black race. Recall the prediction of Mrs. Gate when the ailment broke out that dead bodies would be found littered in the streets of Africa. Unfortunately, it turned out a boomerang for them.

Statistics or records collated by them indicate that the whites were the worst hit and that the genes of the blacks were strong enough to resist the attack. Besides, many people found succor and relief in local materials to combat and push back the pandemic.

It looks like they are not done thus the recent development of injecting GMO seeds which has been roundly attacked and condemned in many nations of the world. In some of these evil agenda Bill Gate has been prominently fingered as responsible leaving one to wonder what his motivations are by forcibly reducing or exterminating the black population.

Again, Njemanze in a television program declared that the Boko Haram war is a creation of Bill Gate to depopulate and not a religious war. It is targeted at the farmers who produce what we eat in the north where the bulk of food supplies originate. He had queried with statistics of victims that if it is a religious war why is it targeted at Muslims?

Historically, new studies are revealing that the black man was the first created being that walked the face of the earth and were found all over the world. The place called Australia today was a black nation and the story is told of how the white settlers invaded the place and killed all blacks to inhabit the place. Today that country is now a white man’s land. There are others like that. Perhaps they want to occupy the whole world and take our natural resources.

In my own thinking all Nigerians should rise up to challenge and resist the attempts by the Tinubu corrupt officials to wipe us away. It is fool hardy to indulge in corrupt practices that one cannot escape from. If they think that they can escape from the dangers of GMO that is assuming they migrate to safer lands, what about their kits and kin. Blood money never pays and the day of recompense beckons.

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