Time For Africans And Nigerians To Stand Up For True Independence And Unfettered Democratic Freedom

By Vitalis Unachukwu

Unforeseen, unimaginable and uncontrollable events unfolding and going on are the moment , are stronger indications, that something is happening in the Spiritual and biospheric firmament, that’s above human consciousness, imagination and comprehension .

Whatever we cannot help , we’re bound to endure .

We cannot battle or struggle for anything that’s beyond the power of our will .

On the records, French Speaking Burkina Faso , Mali, Niger Republic, now under Military Rule, and Senegal, with a new set of forthright young military or political leadership, have signaled that the current change of the tide and the audacity to dare and stand up against colonial France , is a welcome sign that Africa’s total emancipation and freedom from colonialism and neocolonialism , is just a matter of time .

Nigeria is gradually drifting listlessly and metamorphosing into something that would shock Britain and the political cabals holding us hostage , which it has been supporting since the so called independence in 1960 .

Change is inevitable, permanent with the certainty of its dynamics, beyond human control .

We’re now witnessing the emergence of democratic forces that would stand the ground and not allow the electoral atrocities of 2023 , to happen again,which if care is not taken, may plunge Nigeria into ethnic tensions, conflicts and probably another civil war, when Nigerians lose their patience, temper, outrage, implode and explode at crashing breaking point .

When Nigerians can no longer be gullible, docile and naive , then they will have the audacity to say NO and refuse to swallow more hard pills injected and ingested by their wicked political rulers against their will .

Political and democratic leadership CHANGE, is still possible in Nigeria, if we , the people learn to say NO to the crushing policies of government, in the face of corruption ridden rulership of the country .

A journey of million miles starts with a step.

Africans and Nigerians must learn to embrace their roles as political sovereign of their respective democracies and shun any affront to their democratic values, norms , principles and standards, which former colonial masters lord over their political stooges in our various societies, to emasculate their determination and undiluted commitment to enduring democracy in the Mother Continent and fatherland .

It’s good riddance that Africa and Nigeria are coming of age to embrace the challenges of self rule without external interference and intermeddling of forces of imperialism and neocolonialism, which our national governments are comfortable with, in subduing their citizens under the reins of bad government and governance .

The time to stand up for African Freedom and Nigeria’s True Independence and Democratic Freedom is NOW or NEVER .

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