The Ohaji Equity Mandate: The Zoning Of Political Positions In  Ohaji/Egbema LGA,Imo State

Re : The Truth And The Lies, And The Unending Intrigues.

Ohaji / Egbema Local Government Area of Imo State had existed as a larger Local Government Area together with the Oguta Local Government Area with it’s administrative headquarters at  Mmahu, Egbema. The Ohaji District / the Ohaji Nation of the local government area have three distinct components to wit : the Awarra -Court Area, the Ohoba Court Area and the Umuapu Court Area joined to the Egbema District. One characteristic of the three Court Areas of the Ohaji District or the Ohaji Nation is the expansive landmass and population, including huge reserves of natural resources. Each of these Court Areas of Ohaji can conveniently and effectively stand as a Local Government Area with all the trappings.

Another remarkable feature of the existence of the people of the Ohaji / Egbema Local Government Area, is the distribution of political opportunities and positions across the different components of the LGA. This distribution model remained the pillar of the peaceful politics of the Local Government Area.

In 1999, the leadership of the Ohaji Nation albeit reluctantly, conceded the Chairmanship of the Local Government Area to the Egbema District upon high level persuasive engagement by the then critical stakeholders and strategic operators within the Egbema District. And Chief Cletus Ogadi Uwakwe, of  blessed memory, became elected on the platform of the All Peoples Party (APP). While Chief Goddy Esom Obodo, PhD, was elected to the House of Assembly.

Shockingly, and interestingly, both Uwakwe and Obodo sought for re-election or second term to justify their great performances and landmark accomplishments. And Chief Goddy Esom Obodo, PhD, was humiliated and defeated through a conspiracy lubricated and funded by the apex political leadership which resided at all times in Ohaji in favour of a then relatively unknown politician from the Egbema District, Goodluck Nanah Opiah.

The victory of Opiah between 2003 and 2007 introduced the destruction of the seamless distribution of political opportunities and positions in  Ohaji / Egbema Local Government Area as he sought and got a second term through generational betrayal by the same Ohaji political players. It should be emphasized that Opiah lost in the primary election of the Peoples Democratic Party for his re-election as Barr. Chibuisi M.N Obido emerged. Regrettably, the name of Barr. Obido was allegedly removed, and subsequently replaced with the name of Opiah. Chief Charles Orie allegedly played very significant role in accessing Chief Hope Uzodinma as he then was, to effect this said replacement. The Ohaji Nation through her political establishment believed that Opiah could become the Hon. Speaker, and which prophecy materialized.

Upon becoming the Hon. Speaker, Opiah allegedly began the subtle dismantling of the political establishment in the Ohaji / Egbema Local Government Area.

As the Hon. Speaker from the Egbema District, Opiah held unto the chairmanship of the Local Government Council through triple appointments for Chief Harcourt and Chief Stanley Peters for almost three years, before Prince Chinonye Ikegwuruka came on board as the Sole Administration and later the Executive Chairman. It should be re- echoed that while Opiah remained the Hon. Speaker, he allegedly manipulatively sought a ‘cursed’ third term which caused  him a befitting political humiliation, even as Opiah secretly sold the House of Representatives ticket to the Hon. Irona, Gerald Alphonsus against the interest of the Ohaji Nation given that  Hon. Okere, Tony Eze has had the opportunity from 1999 to 2003.  Another element of Opiah alleged serial betrayal was exposed as he published the written agreement with Irona in which he allegedly sought to be elected into the House of Representatives, Abuja.

Between 1999 and now, the Egbema District with less than thirty percent of the population and voting strength of the Local Government Area, has had three conclusive stints in the House of Representatives for political opportunities meant for the Ohaji Nation. Yet, the Ohaji Nation condones and tolerates because of  alleged  Opiah’s seeming  manipulations.

In 2019, the Egbema District through  Hon. Uju Kingsley Chima had the slot for the House of Representatives while the Ohaji person was edged out. Within the same period, the Egbema District had the sole slot for the House of Assembly through  Hon. Okoro, Cyriacus Heclus, as well as the Council Chairman through  Hon. Damian Ezeru, and Hon. Amadioha, Marcel. Evidently, the Egbema District had both the House of Representatives, the House of Assembly and the Council Chairman.  Opiah had the positions of a Special Adviser, Commissioner, and Minister. And  Ohaji Nation clapped for Opiah as the ” Conqueror “.

Could be then thatGoodluck Opiah hates the Ohaji person? Why  openly deride the people of the Awarra -Court Area of Ohaj? Is it true that Barr. Temple Okonji almost paid  with his life inside his office in the House of Representatives, Abuja, while he served as the Senior Legislative Aide   because he questioned the distribution of police recruitment as well as projects to the exclusion of the Awarra -Court Area? . Again, and today, the same Temple Okonji is sought to be destroyed by every means possible because he anchored the resistance and agitation against the continued absence of verifiable empowerment and development in the Ohaji Nation, and the Awarra -Court Area particularly as the Investigative Hearing continues at the National Assembly, Abuja. There is connivance with certain industry operators to continuously frustrate development and empowerment within the oil producing communities of the Ohaji Nation, and the challenge of Temple Okonji causes  so much restlessness and hopelessness. For how long, O Goodluck Opiah?

Fundamentally, it is the turn and the right of the Ohaji Nation to produce the next Executive Chairman of the Ohaji/Egbema Local Government Area, which the stakeholders have zoned to the Awarra -Court Area. One million Goodluck Opiah and his  cronies and surrogates cannot destroy such. And Opiah should be held responsible and liable for any breakdown of law and order, crisis and violence in the Ohaji / Egbema Local Government Area as evidently established through the recordings of the meeting held up his instance on June 17, 2024 at the Obosima Residence of Barr. Kelvin Ugwu.

The greatest enemy of the peaceful political existence of the people of Ohaji and the people of Egbema since 2007 till date . This incurably destructive, divisive and abrasive with satanic hattred for the OHAJI NATION, is not limited to the Awarra -Court Area.

Summarily, the Ohaji Nation has made enormous sacrifice for the peaceful political existence in the Ohaji/Egbema Local Government Area through generational concessions which the Egbema District would not have made if it had the population and voting strength like the Ohaji Nation. Enough of this macabre dance of shame. Enough is enough.


(For: The Ohaji Equity Mandate:

Uhoji, Destiny,

National President

Obitti Autonomous Community, Ohaji;

Ogbuji, Albert;

National Secretary

Assa Autonomous Community, Ohaji;

Umah, Elvis,

National Publicly Secretary,

Umuapu  Autonomous Community, Ohaji;

Nokam, Kennedy,

Ohoba Autonomous Community, Ohaji.

Dated June 17, 2024.)


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