The Man: Sunday EJesieme, Eze-Elect Of Egbuoma Autonomous Community, Ancient Kingdom

Chief Sunday N Ejesieme was born on 7th April,1961 to the noble family of Late Nze, Chief Ejesieme Idikor-Onyelaohadimma and Lolo-Nwanyinzu Ejesieme of Umuezike Village, Egbuoma Autonomous Community in Oguta Local Government Area of Imo State.

Sunday started his early education at Community School Egbuoma in 1967 and bagged his First School Leaving Certificate in 1974 with flying colours.He thereafter proceeded to the famous Priscilla Memorial Secondary School, Oguta between 1974 and 1979 where he successfully earned the West African School Certificate/ WAEC qualification.






On completion of his secondary education, young and promising Sunday decided to take up a job in Lagos ahead of arrangements for his travel to the United States of America for his University education. He worked between 1980 and 1984 at the following places :Premier Packaging, Apapa Lagos as an LPO / Supplies Clerk and as Warehouse Tally Clerk at Flour Mills Company Ltd, Apapa Lagos

Being a highly determined, committed, hardworking and brilliant young man with a good plan for his future, Sunday was able to conclude arrangements for his Studies Overseas and he left the shores of Nigeria to the United States of America in 1984

In the US, young and ebullient Sunday studied at various Universities and Institutions.He was at Dallas Baptist University, Dallas Texas between 1987-88–Other institutions attended include; Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Texas; Bishop College, Dallas Texas;North Texas, Central College Gainesville.He first qualified as a business Administrator with a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration.Sunday was not done as he  upgraded by acquiring Masters Degree in the same Business Administration.In order to actualize his life ambition of providing care for the sick,he returned to the University to Study Nursing and successfully acquired Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2006

He also has a Diploma of Nursing and Associate of Allied Science, Occupational Therapy Assist.

Chief Sunday N Ejesieme is a qualified Nurse and Business Administrator and has worked at various Hospitals and Financial Institutions in the United States of America.

He is a philanthropist, traditionalist, devout Christian and accomplished Community Leader.His love for his community Egbuoma and his root as a core Igbo man cannot be overemphasized.Little wonder,he champions the course of his people in far away United States of America and also at home where his positive impacts resonate to high heaven speaking loudly and eloquently for his love for God and humanity.He founded and presided over as the Chairman of Egbuoma Progressive Union between 1999 and 2012. He held similar positions as a community leader as follows; Chairman Board of Directors,Old Orlu Progressive Association, Dallas, between 1998 and 2002, Chairman, Austin — Orlu Sister City ,INC . Austin, Texas, General Secretary,Igbo Community Association of Nigeria, Dallas 1995—1998

His looming large presence is always felt so much and positively here in Nigeria where he has featured as a prominent leader in the Community as the number one Ozo title holder in Egbuoma.

He has the prestigious Chieftaincy titles of Osisikankwu and Otigbuinyinya.

He also holds the Ozo title of Nze Nwamesaraku of Egbuoma and currently the number one Nze among the living in Egbuoma Ancient Kingdom.

Chief Sunday Ejesieme has unveiled a comprehensive development plan for his Egbuoma Autonomous Community which has human capital and infrastructure development  as a flagship.He has over the years been involved in youths empowerment and provision of assistance through maintenance of rural/ community infrastructure, education support,grants for small scale businesses, health care interventions and a host of others.He has disclosed his intentions to launch a large scale development program for his Community with plans to leverage his contacts, goodwill, networks and alliances across board, especially from his friends and associates in Diaspora who are set to join hands with him to reinvent and rediscover his community in the 21st.

Chief Sunny Ejesieme is a jolly good fellow.An adventurer,Socialite and brilliant servant Leader of note.He is kind hearted, straight forward, easy going and accommodating.His Hobbies include; Watching documentaries and Sports

Chief Sunday N Ejesieme is happily married to Lolo Bridget Lebechi Ejesieme from Ebelano Village in Egbuoma and are blessed with seven lovely Children.

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