Obilubi Under Siege: Canada Based  Activist  Raises  Alarm Over  Police Harassment  Of  Kinsmen

A Canada based Imo son, Comrade  Obidinma Aku has raised alarm over what he described as the  continuous police harassment, intimidation and extortion of his kinsmen of Obilubi, Obazu, Mbieri in Mbaitoli LGA.

Comr. Obidinma who was an Ace broadcaster and fiery Right activist in the country before his relocation to Canada in 2022 accused one Austin Amam who hails from the same village with him, and who he claims was reportedly sacked from the Police force of colluding with some bad elements in the force to intimidate and extort his kinsmen.Speaking to our reporter on  Telephone the Activist who equally operates the Universal Heritage TV,(UHTv) Naija online Television stated that the said Amam who goes by the toga of ‘Civilian IG’, always  boasts of having the Imo state Commissioner of Police ,CP and the entire Police formation in the state in his pocket, therefore at any slightest disagreement with anybody in the Obilubi community which in most cases he is on the offensive,  will arrest them with his so called Police connection.Each time his victims from the village will  then be  detained   and from there the eventual extortion of huge amounts of money  as bail fees starts; and it has been  alleged that the said  Austin Amam  allegedly shares with the bad  policemen.

Obidinma cited a recent case where Amam  deliberately orchestrated an altercation with two local security Vigilante in the village and turned around to arrest them with his usual police cohorts, who detained these two men on trumped up charges of threat to his life. The two village security men were arrested and detained at the monitoring unit of the state command few minutes after they were released from the Mbieri divisional headquarters were they had been  firstly  detained. The ex-Ace broadcaster told our reporter that the two men were detained for three (3)days at the monitoring unit before they were released after the police had obtained  a hundred and fifty thousand Naira from the community for their bail.

Comrade Obidinma further explained that he had drawn the attention of the Imo state Commissioner of Police,CP Aboki Danjuma to this unfortunate  development .

According to him,the  CP has promised to look into  the matter.

Obidinma  decried this development which he alleged  are a criminal cartel running between the said Austin Aman and some rogue elements in the Imo police  command. The Ace broadcaster  said he will await the CP’s investigation and outcome before taking further action on the matter.

He explained however that he   has resolve to still escalate the matter upto the National Assembly and the Force headquarters,Abuja.

He also declared to explore legal actions if the Police authorities do not call these elements to order. Obidinma warned that if this is not urgently addressed, it will smear the image and reputation of the Police and the CP, in particular.

He wants the CP to act fast so that the people will not  see them as those intimidating, harassing and extorting the poor villagers.


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