By Vitalis Unachukwu
Recently, former Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon , unguardedly exposed himself to criticisms in his genocidal empty boasts and atrocities in prosecuting the Biafra-Nigeria Civil War, at an unusual time in our nation’s history, when millions of Nigerians are facing extinction, due to hunger threats , food shortages and insecurity .
Rather than behave or pretend like an Elder Statesman after a long period of slumber and silence, by focusing on the wrong economic policies of the Tinubu’s government, looking for ways to draw the attention of the current policymakers and implementors and counsel for a middle course and / or common ground, he felt excited at an invitation , where he was taken by surprise to speak in Hausa on the civil war, at which he behaved like one , who lost his mind , by venturing into the last civil war , many heroes of the war dreaded and avoided .
Dim Emeka Odimegwu Ojukwu, Ikemba Nnewi, carefully avoided multiple times from commenting upon, when tempted by the Press , knowing him to have many light years in the head than Gowon .
Since Gowon behaved like one with poor sense of history and acted with poor judgement, analysts , patriotic and concerned Nigerians, who waited years for him , to come out of his hiding cocoon , slammed him with a bit of their tongues and venoms .
We’re prepared to challenge Gowon on his ungentlemanly behavior in jettisoning the Aburi Agreement with Emeka Ojukwu and plunging Nigeria into the bloodiest civil war in our nation’s history, without showing remorse .
His current arrogance in going into that uncharted territory and weeping up uncontrollable emotions for millions of families , deprived of the love and affection of millions of loved ones who perished in the war that could have been avoided, had Gowon behaved like an agent of peace , whose position as Head of State, required the greatest sacrifice at the time .
He used his so called elderly wisdom to wriggle out from the trap set for him at that interview, that was eventually called off as instant remedy of the collateral damage to the incident .
We’re ready to challenge Gowon before Nigerians on the bloody civil war he remotely and directly caused, and see how far an 82 year old like him reasons , after decades of the regrettable conflict .
If he has no remorse today, after his “NO VÍCTOR , NO VANQUISHED,” Declaration , then an international enquiry into his personal and official roles in the war that resulted into a catastrophic genocide, pogrom and untold crimes against humanity, could be retrospectively opened at the International Criminal Court, like other War Crimes in history .
Gowon should not make us recall and remember what happened during the last civil war, which appeared to have been forgotten, but no way .
When an old man or senior citizen behaves like a lizard before zealous boys , what happens ?
He becomes a butt of jokes .
They would make caricature of him and play with him like a toy .
Let it be known to all Nigerians and lovers of Liberty and Democratic Freedom, all over the world, that while we may forgive Gowon for what he colluded with the British Government and their wicked allies, to unleash on the Igbos of the South East, during the war and failing to prevent and stop the war , God in Heaven may at Judgment, confront him with his political and economic atrocities on the peaceful people of the East of the Niger , and make him pay for his political sins on the people .
If Gowon had allowed the Igbos to peacefully secede, all these mess of ethnic hatred and disunity would have been avoided today , and all the parties concerned, could have moved on , competing on the world’s stage at their own pace .
He blindly allowed the British Crown and Government, to meddle and continue to intermeddle in the internal affairs of our nation then till date .
Unless Gowon applies godly wisdom and apologizes to the Igbos , he wronged , for using brutal tactics and force to overrun the people, he will never have peace , without knowing that he was kept alive and given a long rope to champion total reconciliation between Igbos and the rest of the country, and achieve their inevitable integration with the rest of Nigeria .
The ball is in Gowon’s court .
Does he understand the full import of his surname ,” GOWON?”
G – G
What’s General Gowon’s perception of Nigeria’s current disorderly and disorganized union , where some ethnic partners felt left out in the scheme of things, without resolving the Federal Question and amending the cracks in the union ?
He needs to act fast , follow Obasanjo’s lead example and spare no effort in working and dying for a NEW NIGERIA, where all citizens would be recognized, respected, supported, accommodated and protected, without discrimination on conceivable grounds .
That’s enough task to keep Gowon busy , than engaging in political frivolities that earn him nothing, other than criticisms , disrespect and aspersions .